Ski & Snowboard Online Reservations
Attention!!! Please read the following before reserving
- You must reserve by 4pm the day before. Reservations are for equipment, not a pickup time. If we reach our reservation capacity we may not take any additional reservations for that day. We do however keep additional rental equipment that is available the day of for walk ins.
- Rentals are priced by the day, not a 24hour period.
- Current hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-6:00PM Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM-6:00PM
- We do have after hours drop off for night skiing.
- We are not offering season rental reservations, they are first come first serve.
- Please fill in all info and add any additional info in the comment field.
- You may add additional people to the reservation by clicking the that is at the end of the first person you add.
- You can put additional people on one reservation and pay separately if needed
- When you arrive, check in at the counter and we will verify the fit of your equipment, complete our rental agreement and take payment.
- Please call us at 503.668.8173 to cancel your advance reservation.