January 4th Weather Update

January fourth brings unusual weather with a mix of snow and rain expected. The temperature is dropping which could lead to freezing fog in some areas. This change in weather can create slippery conditions so it is important to stay alert while traveling. Additionally when clearing ice from your goggles be cautious to avoid scratching the lenses. Enjoy the winter wonderland but prioritize safety in these funky weather conditions.: ” To start off today, temps and the p-type are bouncing around like a rubber ball having poor luck playing Chutes and Ladders. Fortunately, the p-type, despite being a rotating mix, is quite light, and the weather is forecast to dry out for a few hours this morning. Get it while you can! Precipitation (we’re not even going to attempt to guess what type, but there’s a chance it could be all snow!) returns this afternoon and continues overnight.”

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