Powder Sunday for December 15th!

We woke up to a ton of fresh snow for Mt. Hood, Oregon! Here’s a snip from Mt. Hood Meadows Conditions page, ” Good morning! And a fine morning it is. A very, very fine morning. In the words of one of our groomers, “It’s a powder day, for sure!” We echo that sentiment despite the 1980s vibe – it’s been dumping snow all night long, at times a couple inches an hour. Totals: 7″ overnight, 9″ in the last 24 hours, and 18″ of gorgeous, spectacular, most totally welcome inches of new snow in the last 48 hours. Today’s snow is “totally the real deal” according to that same groomer – it’s much lighter than what we received yesterday. ”

As for rentals at Meadowlark we have availability for walk-ins for ski, snowboard, Nordic, and snowshoe rentals! They are first come first serve for the day of, however you can reserve online with a 24hr notice for free. Swing on in to your local Sandy Oregon ski shop for some ski rentals or hot waxes today!

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